He loves horses. I also redid the other piece to match the format of this one. It will be easier to do a frame now, or at least more natural looking. So think fancy frame.
Strange to be doing actual illustration again? Its been a while. My other blog/concept obsession has kept me busy, not to mention moving as well as reaching goals and what not. So while I should feel bad, I totally do not (I tell you lies). I can do fun stuff like this when I feel my portfolio is up to speed with what is being demanded (which will be never).
Anyway, this was for a Dia De Los Muertos show that I unfortunately didn't find until it was too late to even consider submitting, but I did a piece anyway. I am thinking of getting into gallery work. We shall see.
So this isn't completely finished...There will be a cut out border. All ornate and stuff, with foreground elements. Until then, you must live with the juicy center.
a little show called UFO. Notice no U dot F dot O?
Thats because they pronounce it 'yoofo'. One word. Thats right. Not 'you foo' ... yoofo.
Here is a small, wonderful list of why this show is officially the best thing ever.
1.) Deliciously hot men, with amazing hair
2.) Cleverly disguised G.I.Joe toys shooting fake lasers (see video after pictures)
4.) Aaaamaaazing set designs that I would live my small, pathetic life in, pretending I was in space with my mooncats and that my car was a hovercraft that I christened the A.D.A.M.v. (Anna Driving Around Motor vehicle)
5.) And last but not least, just....THIS
So make haste + watch what has brightened my life one spacelightbulb at a time.
So, if you have been paying attention, you will notice a whole brand spanking new project in the making on Obscurity. Otherwise, here is a related movie poster for my character. I might revise, but right now it works for me.
I have been neglecting illustration blerg for the VISUAL DEVELOPMENT blog in which is hella full of portfolio pieces from the Africa project, so I decided to post a raw, untouched page of my sketchbook before I rape it with photoshop.
Visit my VISUAL DEVELOPMENT blog to see the VISUAL DEVELOPMENT for this project to witness the DEVELOPMENT of VISUALSvizialvuzialvizualdevlopmintallykindofretarded
I am tired. Somewhat like this yeti father, who absolutely hates that mother has stayed behind in the hotel indulging on chocolates and the latino boy from her favorite soap opera. O-la-la. He can picture her just taking a bath, relaxing, and realizes that his instinct to procreate was severely wrong. Maybe one, but his line of yeti genes were blessed with large liters. Did he care then? No. Does he regret it? Oh, absolutely.
Alright, so finally I got the dogs on the October calendar sheet. You think I would have had it done already but I've been working on le paintings. Who knows which month is next? Its a mystery.
Here is a sneak peek at my Flash website....I have no clue when I will be able to actually upload this, seeing as I am totally a newbie at Flash and it owns me. But I feel like it's totally more my style than the current one up. Ok way more.
Here is a design I have had in my head for a while. Realizing its good for ALL my portfolios, (and another threadless entry)*, Carter's, Character Design, Illustration, blahblahblahhhhhhhhh, I did it and here it is. It will be october in my calendar. I just havent gotten around to it yet.
*Thanks to everyone who voted. 2.7 is a great score in Threadless land! 2.5 and up have a chance to be printed, so here's to gettin' shit on a shirt
I am redoing and revisiting and overhauling and whateverwhateverwhatever my desk calendar design. 2010 because who the hell knows when I will get all of them done. Here is March. I am going to try and not start another project until this one is done. Seriously. Flippityfriggen annoying ADD.